Sunday, March 21, 2010

Buzz Mills: Businessman and True Conservative for Arizona Governor

I'm looking forward to knowing more.
I'm listening and he's got my attention!


  1. Buzz Mills is a total rasist that wont get alot of votes and if he tries to rig the votes so that he can win we will know! Just to help him get it strait undocumented people are not criminals or delincuents and they are definately not aleins they are human beings just like white people. The latin community have way more respect for humanity then white rasist people and their ansestors!

  2. Anglosaxon people are originaly from europe and other countries around there. They are not originaly from the north american continent. The aztecs are one of the tribes that are from the american continent that were killed by disease and murdered, also their women were constantly being rapped by people from Europe and other places around the area. Conclusion = Anglosaxon people are the reall immigrants!

  3. Re; Anonymous said...:
    The spelling is atrocious, the syntax and punctuation is nearly non-existent and the "facts" presented therein are, uhhmmm....dubious at best. As to the contention that undocumented people are not criminals, well, if in fact they happen to be in the U.S. illegally, yes, they most assuredly ARE criminals. The term 'aliens" is a legal term, totally unrelated to whether or not they are of the human genus classification. Is the rant by "Anonymous said..." an example of the viewpoint of La Raza perhaps? Not exactly worthy opponents, IMHO!

  4. Ha Ha! a typical comment from an uneducated racist illegal mexican national! wow what a dumb ass.
    Anglos settled here almost 500 years ago, the same time spanish conquistadors landed south of america, they raped the indigenous people of the area and inner bred later on as well. mexicans are not indians and mexicans are not spaniards. mexicans are a mixed breed of spaniards and indians. mexican have only existed on this planet for less than 500 years! anglos were here settling here then. mexicans are not were not indigenous to north america.
    learn some real history and stop believing that punkass raza crap. Just remember little boy that your kind were but a twinkle in a spanish rapists eye when we were already here!

  5. Not a lot of facts or knowledge here. I will explain the facts here:

    1. The Southwest was won as a prize in the Mexican American War. Mexico would have sqaundered it had we let them keep it. It was for the best. :-)

    2. The Aztec tribe migrated from Central America and established a theocratic terrorist state that actively murdered innocents (by cutting their hearts out) so their "gods" would be appeased. The Spanish Catholic Church wisely put an end to this crime against humanity.

    2. The English planted the first successful colony at Jamestown, which led to the creation of the South. And religious emigrants founded Plymouth Colony and Massachussetts Bay Colony. The English policy towards the Native Americans was surprisingly liberal: It allowed the Natives to remain, so long as they followed colonial law and didn't make war on the colonists. In ALL colonial conflicts, it was French-backed Indians that made war on the English colonists. The American English started no war on their neighbors. Yes, this is a fact, look it up!

    As for the allegation of rape....The Aztec women married yes MARRIED the Spanish and became Catholics, preferring the European religion to their barbaric religion of human sacrifice. Most Aztec men converted quickly too, seeing the wisdom in NOT being an offering for an idol! The fact is, the Indians saw the good of the Spanish (did you know that several tribes that hated the Aztec made a common cause with the Spanish?)

    Back to the present day: It is 100% absurd to think that the USA can actually remain the USA with it's concepts of freedom and liberty while letting in HUGE numbers of Latin Americans who have NO concept or respect of our freedom and liberty. The Latin Americans are peasants. We are a free country of free people, we aren't peasants. In fact, we don't need peasants. Send the illegals back to Mexico and Central America. They will ruin this nation forever if we allow them to remain.

  6. I can clearly see this is a pointless discussion and if this is the type of focus that Buzz Mills brings to the table, then I want no part of it. I have lived in southern US for all of my life and there is a culture, society that is part Latin, part everything else. I find all of your comments offensive.
