Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Facts Heading into November's Elections

The American public is deeply dissatisfied with Congress, the two political parties and the broad direction of the country, according to a NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, a pessimism that suggests wholesale change is a distinct possibility at the ballot box this fall.

Just one in five approve of the job Congress is doing while a whopping 72 percent disapprove. Six in ten say that this Congress' performance has been either below average (28 percent) or "one of the worst" (32 percent). (Just six percent describe it as "one of the best" or "above average".)


Friday, September 24, 2010

Globalization: A Transformed World By The US Federal Government

US Government's DETAILED Plan for Globalization
at the TAXPAYER'S expense by 2025.

In an attempt to engage creative thinking from outside the intelligence community's classified bunker, the NIC has increasingly participated in joint sponsorship of conferences with non-governmental institutions and has produced a number of unclassified publications, including the following.

Here is the detailed 120 page document from our United States Government

a special thank you to Twitter's Bconsdr8 for this information, she's awesome!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Democrats "Summer of Recovery"

Not to worry, because "The Greatest President In History" has this all figured out.

This November: If you have ANY doubt, throw an incumbent OUT!

Friday, September 17, 2010

AMERICA you are Paying for a La Raza LOBBYIST who is Obama's choice for Director of Intergovernmental Affairs

Seriously, even though La Raza translates to: 'The Race'
... somehow conservatives and Republicans are the RACISTS

This is that groups' spokesperson Janet Murguia

President Obama has, issued waivers allowing two appointees who were formerly registered lobbyists to work for his administration.

The waivers ensure the two appointees can work for the administration under his executive order on ethics, which was intended to reform the revolving door between K Street and the government. Munoz was a senior vice president for the National Council of La Raza, where she supervised all legislative and advocacy activities on the state and local levels.

Munoz was heavily involved in the immigration battles in Congress in recent years, and is now a principal liaison to the Hispanic community for the administration.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Christianity and Judaism in Earliest America

Enlighten yourselves America. Proclaim and reclaim your faith and our country.