Monday, June 29, 2009

Letter to my congressman about the House leadership

Dear Congressman Mitchell,

This is a news quote that makes my blood boil: "Like Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid also said last week that he would not commit to giving the public a week to review the final text of the health-care bill."

It's demoralizing to have "leadership" in the House railroading and forcing taxpayers to swallow bill after bill without review, debate, or even allowing representatives to read the bills before signatures are demanded. I am outraged by Nancy Pelosi and her idea of House leadership. Her behavior in unconscionable and unconstitutional.

I want you to know that I Expect to be PROPERLY represented as your constituent. I will not silently swallow her forceful manipulation or accept "leadership" that doesn't allow, review, debate or the READING of any bill I'm expected to pay for. I expect congress to engage in the democratic process with a representative voice speaking on my behalf. I don't expect my representation to be dismissed or corralled into a partisan definition so it can be ignored, herded, threatened or manipulated.

Thank you,

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Politcal contacts for Nancy Pelosi & No Tax Letter

Tell Nancy Pelosi what you think of her and the 111th congress shortcomings

An Open Letter to our Nation's Leadership

Please sign this petition: It's An Open Letter to our Nation's Leadership