Shout out to Twitter's @SAMMIESMILES8 for tweeting this article
Silicon Valley, once synonymous with productivity-enhancing innovation, is now looking to make money on feel-good government handouts.
Motivated by the ever growing source of enlightening information, this is a welcome mat for those who believe in the Power Of One in a free society. Welcomed themes include humor, politics and current events. I enjoy sharing with those who embrace, personal responsibility, individualism, self reliance and have inspired personal achievements.
Jarvis Tyner, national executive vice-chair of the Communist Party USA, spoke in Detroit October 7, on the need to for “left and progressive” minded people to help insure a huge voter turnout for the midterm election.
Special thanks to @mslokater @TheTwisters and @redostoneage on Twitter
AFA Action has compiled a Congressional Scorecard that covers 18 votes in the U.S. House and 25 in the U.S. Senate on vital pro-family issues in the 111th Congress.
The Scorecard includes: http://ht.ly/30Svw
* Taxpayer funding of abortion
* Protecting free exercise of religion at publicly supported colleges
* Passage of national health care reform (ObamaCare)
* Restricting free speech in elections
* Confirmation of two controversial Supreme Court justices
(BIG thank you @bconsdr8 on Twitter for this information)
listen to the rhetoric and how quickly is spews and how about this whopper "President Obama has worked on initiatives positively impacting women" can ANYBODY name one? (crickets) ... I do remember him praising Islam as a "great religion" (do you realize how women of Islam are treated?) for that President Obama FACT, click here http://ht.ly/2SldD (thank you Twitter's bconsdr8 for this link)
“But for me, we’d be in a worldwide depression.”
If Harry Reid hadn’t agressively pursued his patriotic constitutional duty of spending as much money as possible, the world would be in a bread line as we speak.
Somehow acting as Barack Obama’s rubber stamp in adding as much new debt in less than two years — $3 trillion at last check — an amount that took from 1776 to 1990 to accumulate, saved the world.
And when he claims he "will not rest" http://ht.ly/2VffJ is he speaking about his golf game or the U.S. Economy? http://ht.ly/2Vf2k
Other ongoing examples: Leno http://ht.ly/2VfW5
The View http://ht.ly/2VgbX
and most recently an UPCOMING 'MYTHBUSTERS' episode http://ht.ly/2VeEi
(another special mention and shout out to @bconsdr8 on Twitter for the links, thank you.)
Shout outs to two great Americans on Twitter @ChrisAAAA and @bconsdr8 ~ Thank you.
Nothing to concern your self with, really? listen and watch this! http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2027.htm
Article: http://ht.ly/2oIch
In an attempt to engage creative thinking from outside the intelligence community's classified bunker, the NIC has increasingly participated in joint sponsorship of conferences with non-governmental institutions and has produced a number of unclassified publications, including the following.
Here is the detailed 120 page document from our United States Government http://www.fas.org/irp/nic/2025.pdf
a special thank you to Twitter's Bconsdr8 for this information, she's awesome! http://twitter.com/bconsdr8
This November: If you have ANY doubt, throw an incumbent OUT!
This is that groups' spokesperson Janet Murguia
President Obama has, issued waivers allowing two appointees who were formerly registered lobbyists to work for his administration.
The waivers ensure the two appointees can work for the administration under his executive order on ethics, which was intended to reform the revolving door between K Street and the government. Munoz was a senior vice president for the National Council of La Raza, where she supervised all legislative and advocacy activities on the state and local levels.
Munoz was heavily involved in the immigration battles in Congress in recent years, and is now a principal liaison to the Hispanic community for the administration.
Is this Self explanatory enough for Americans?
Pointing out what should be obvious, thank you & shout out to the UK's Pat Condell, spot on!
1. The market is already expensive. Stocks are about 20 times cyclically-adjusted earnings, according to data compiled by Yale University economics professor Robert Shiller. That's well above average, which, historically, has been about 16. This ratio has been a powerful predictor of long-term returns. Valuation is by far the most important issue for investors. If you're getting paid well to take risks, they may make sense. But what if you're not?
2. The Fed is getting nervous. This week it warned that the economy had weakened, and it unveiled its latest weapon in the war against deflation: using the proceeds from the sale of mortgages to buy Treasury bonds. That should drive down long-term interest rates. Great news for mortgage borrowers. But hardly something one wants to hear when the Dow Jones Industrial Average is already north of 10000.
3. Too many people are too bullish. Active money managers are expecting the market to go higher, according to the latest survey by the National Association of Active Investment Managers. So are financial advisers, reports the weekly survey by Investors Intelligence. And that's reason to be cautious. The time to buy is when everyone else is gloomy. The reverse may also be true.
4. Deflation is already here. Consumer prices have fallen for three months in a row. And, most ominously, it's affecting wages too. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that, last quarter, workers earned 0.7% less in real terms per hour than they did a year ago. No wonder the Fed is worried. In deflation, wages, company revenues, and the value of your home and your investments may shrink in dollar terms. But your debts stay the same size. That makes deflation a vicious trap, especially if people owe way too much money.
5. People still owe way too much money. Households, corporations, states, local governments and, of course, Uncle Sam. It's the debt, stupid. According to the Federal Reserve, total U.S. debt—even excluding the financial sector—is basically twice what it was 10 years ago: $35 trillion compared to $18 trillion. Households have barely made a dent in their debt burden; it's fallen a mere 3% from last year's all-time peak, leaving it twice the level of a decade ago.
6. The jobs picture is much worse than they're telling you. Forget the "official" unemployment rate of 9.5%. Alternative measures? Try this: Just 61% of the adult population, age 20 or over, has any kind of job right now. That's the lowest since the early 1980s—when many women stayed at home through choice, driving the numbers down. Among men today, it's 66.9%. Back in the '50s, incidentally, that figure was around 85%, though allowances should be made for the higher number of elderly people alive today. And many of those still working right now can only find part-time work, so just 59% of men age 20 or over currently have a full-time job. This is bullish?
Brett Arends tells Simon Constable and Michael Casey a few of his ten reasons why investors should be cautious ahead.
(Today's bonus question: If a laid-off contractor with two kids, a mortgage and a car loan is working three night shifts a week at his local gas station, how many iPads can he buy for Christmas?)
7. Housing remains a disaster. Foreclosures rose again last month. Banks took over another 93,000 homes in July, says foreclosure specialist RealtyTrac. That's a rise of 9% from June and just shy of May's record. We're heading for 1 million foreclosures this year, RealtyTrac says. And naturally the ripple effects hurt all those homeowners not in foreclosure, by driving down prices. See deflation (No. 4) above.
8. Labor Day is approaching. Ouch. It always seems to be in September-October when the wheels come off Wall Street. Think 2008. Think 1987. Think 1929. Statistically, there actually is a "September effect." The market, on average, has done worse in that month than any other. No one really knows why. Some have even blamed the psychological effect of shortening days. But it becomes self-reinforcing: People fear it, so they sell.
9. We're looking at gridlock in Washington. Election season has already begun. And the Democrats are expected to lose seats in both houses in November. (Betting at InTrade, a bookmaker in Dublin, Ireland, gives the GOP a 62% chance of taking control of the House.) As our political dialogue seems to have collapsed beyond all possible hope of repair, let's not hope for any "bipartisan" agreements on anything of substance. Do you think this is a good thing? As Davis Rosenberg at investment firm Gluskin Sheff pointed out this week, gridlock is only a good thing for investors "when nothing needs fixing." Today, he notes, we need strong leadership. Not gonna happen.
10. All sorts of other indicators are flashing amber. The Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index, while still positive, weakened again in July. So did ISM's new-orders indicator. The trade deficit has widened, and second-quarter GDP growth was much lower than first thought. ECRI's Weekly Leading Index has been flashing warning lights for weeks (though the most recent signals have looked somewhat better). Europe's industrial production in June turned out considerably worse than expected. Even China's steamroller economy is slowing down. Tech bellwether Cisco Systems has signaled caution ahead. Individually, each of these might mean little. Collectively, they make me wonder. In this environment, I might be happy to buy shares if they were cheap. But not so much if they're expensive. See No. 1 above.
Christians are Be-headed in Africa and not a word was heard from this president or any other leaders of Islam denouncing those actions.
... Now President Obama defends Muslims and a Mosque being built at the former sight of the Twin Towers.
READ Gov Rick Perry's letter to President Obama:
Private Sector Hiring Disappoints, Again
Posted Aug 06, 2010 11:45am EDT by Aaron Task
"Tepid", "anemic", "desultory" and "punk" are among the adjectives being used to describe Friday's July jobs report.
At 131,000 the headline payroll loss was worse than expected. In addition, the tally for May and June was revised down by nearly 100,000, further evidence the U.S. economy cooled considerably after its first-quarter spurt.
"This remains a terribly slow pace of job growth," writes Dan Greenhaus, chief economic strategist at Miller Tabak.
The big disappointment was private sector hiring, which totaled 71,000 last month, weaker than anticipated. (As expected, government payrolls fell by 143,000 as temporary census workers were let go.)
"The private sector number is the most disturbing," Tig Gilliam, CEO of Adecco Group North America, says in the accompanying video. "It's great that we have a positive number but we're really not seeing an acceleration of private sector jobs, which is what we need to see fairly soon."
Year-to-date, the private sector had added about 630,000 jobs, far short of the level needed to replace the nearly 8 million jobs lost since the recession officially began in December 2007. The unemployment rate held steady at 9.5% while the "real" unemployment rate (U6) remained at 16.5%. With 14.6 million Americans out of work (44% for six months or longer), the unemployment rate being unchanged is not good news because it shows many Americans remain discouraged or are dropping out of the labor force -- and out of the official tally.
"We've got to expect that number to go up because we have so many potential workers sitting on the sidelines," Gilliam says. "As the job market gets better, more people will get active and engaged and that will have the effect of increasing the unemployment rate."
Gilliam notes temporary hiring continues to improve, which is traditionally a good leading indicator for future employment growth (and good for Adecco.) Both average hourly earnings and the average workweek rose in July, which are positive signs, but, overall, the U.S. employment picture remains grim.
“The purpose of the Tea Party Caucus is to listen to the concerns of the mainstream people who are very concerned about the overwhelming growth of government and the growth of government spending.
Charles Ortel, managing director at Newport Value Partners. “It’s impossible for me to understand how you can be optimistic about the future,” based on continued weak private sector job market.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner also admits we’ve got a long way to go.
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
July 21 (Bloomberg) Treasuries rose, pushing two-year yields to the fourth record low in five days, as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the economic outlook is “unusually uncertain” and policy makers are prepared “to take further policy actions as needed.”
Ten-year note yields touched a 15-month low as Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee that central bankers are ready to act to aid growth even as they prepare to eventually raise interest rates from almost zero and shrink a record balance sheet.
“An unusual outlook may call for unusual measures, and that means the Fed may take more action as needed, which would lead to lower rates,” said Suvrat Prakash, an interest-rate strategist in New York at BNP Paribas, one of the 18 primary dealers that trade with the central bank.
The benchmark 10-year note yield dropped 7 basis points, or 0.07 percentage point, to 2.88 percent at 4:42 p.m. in New York. It touched 2.85 percent, the lowest level since April 21. The 3.5 percent security due in May 2020 rose 5/8, or $6.25 per $1,000 face amount, to 105 1/4.
The two-year Treasury note yield fell as much as 2 basis points to touch 0.5520 percent, the lowest ever, before trading at 0.5601 percent. It previously reached record lows July 15, 16 and yesterday. Thirty-year bond yields slid 9 basis points to 3.89 percent.
U.S. stocks tumbled after fluctuating earlier.
No Decisions
The Fed chief, responding to questions, outlined options for further steps, including giving more information on the Fed’s commitment to low interest rates. Tools to boost the economy also include reducing the rate paid on banks’ reserves held at the Fed and using the central bank’s balance sheet, he said. Officials haven’t decided which they might use, he said.
Economic data over the past month that were weaker than analysts projected have prompted investor speculation the Fed may increase monetary stimulus in a bid to keep the economy growing and reduce a jobless rate from close to a 26-year high.
Policy makers have kept the target for overnight loans between banks in a record low range of zero to 0.25 percent since December 2008.
‘Extended Period’
Bernanke today affirmed the central bank’s policy of keeping rates low for an “extended period,” saying it expects moderate growth, a decline in the jobless rate and “subdued inflation” over several years.
Policy makers at their June policy meeting lowered their forecast for growth this year to a range of between 3 percent and 3.5 percent, from 3.2 percent to 3.7 percent in April, minutes released last week showed.
In his eight-page statement to the Senate panel, the Fed chairman devoted almost 10 times as many words to discussing the exit from stimulus as he did to potential actions to boost growth. Exit options include reinvesting proceeds from maturing Treasuries into shorter-term issues, selling housing debt and raising the interest rate paid on the $1 trillion of bank deposits at the Fed, Bernanke said.
Exit-Strategy Focus
“The market was looking for some kind of groundwork of what further accommodation would look like,” said Steve Rodosky, head of Treasury and derivatives trading at Newport Beach, California-based Pacific Investment Management Co., which runs the world’s largest bond fund. “If anything there was more of a focus on an exit strategy.”
A gauge of trader expectations for inflation, the gap between rates on 10-year notes and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, narrowed to 1.71 percentage points from this year’s high of 2.49 percentage points in January. It touched 1.68 percentage points yesterday, the least since October.
The U.S. will auction $39 billion in 2-year notes, $37 billion in 5-year securities and $29 billion in 7-year debt next week, according to the median estimate in the Bloomberg survey of primary dealers. The sales will take place on three consecutive days beginning July 27.
The $105 billion total would mark the third straight month the government has reduced its offering of the notes, and would be the lowest since it sold $104 billion of them 13 months ago.
‘Heavy Lifting’ Done
The U.S. budget deficit in June shrank from a year earlier, to $68.4 billion from $94.3 billion, the Treasury reported on July 13. Even so, the deficit this fiscal year is forecast to reach a record $1.6 trillion as the government funds efforts to revive growth and employment.
Matthew Rutherford, the Treasury’s deputy assistant secretary for federal finance, said earlier this year the department was confident the “deficit situation” would improve and that auction sizes had reached their peak. “The heavy lifting is done,” he said at a Feb. 3 press conference.
Two-year interest-rate swap spreads widened today for the first time in eight days after Bernanke damped speculation that policy makers were considering reducing the interest rate paid on reserves. The Fed will need to increase that rate at some point in the future when it begins lowering the support it provides the economy, Bernanke said told lawmakers.
--With assistance from Susanne Walker and Oliver Biggadike in New York. Editors: Greg Storey, Dave Liedtka
--> For the entire story click here:
http://www.govexec.com/story_page.cfm?filepath=/dailyfed/0610/060210ts1.htm By Alyssa Rosenberg arosenberg@govexec.com June 17, 2009
President Obama on Wednesday directed the Office of Personnel Management to extend long-term care benefits and family and parental leave to the same-sex partners of gay and lesbian federal employees, and ordered agencies to conduct internal reviews to identify other benefits that they could extend as well.
"Many of our government's hard-working, dedicated, and patriotic public servants have long been denied basic rights that their colleagues enjoy for one simple reason -- the people that they love are of the same sex," Obama said.
Obama stopped short of granting employees' domestic partners access to health care benefits, saying he legally could not do so, but endorsed legislation that would provide such benefits.
The legislation, known as the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act (H.R. 2517) is currently under consideration on Capitol Hill.
“No one has any idea what’s next … the uncertainty of the business climate in America is frightening, frightening to everybody, and it’s delaying the recovery.”
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Its Government regulation and environmentalists that forced the "deep sea drilling" it's much easier & SAFER elsewhere. And it was government “REGULATORS” that handled BP the SAFETY award for that particular rig. Shouldn't government deep water oil drilling regulation be dedicated to our safety? ... So government regulators where are those safety measures and precautions?So, is Gibbs accurately railing against FOX see his video anger, misinterpretation and inability to understand what being said verses what he filters, hears, and then regurgitates -->
I'm not necessarily agreeing with the conclusion, but the information is interesting. I like the Australian approach that bans public displays of affection, harassment and inappropriate relationships – regardless of whether the couple was gay or straight.
Don't ask, don't tell: How do other countries treat gay soldiers?
Don't ask, don't tell doesn't fly with NATO members, except Turkey and the US. NATO nations now allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military. But 53 nations, including North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and Syria, ban homosexuals from military service.
Lt. Dan Choi, stands alone after handcuffing himself to the fence outside the White House during a protest for gay-rights in Washington in April. Turkey is the only other NATO country that allows anti-gay laws like 'don't ask, don't tell.'
By Stephen Kurczy, Correspondent / May 26, 2010
The US Congress appears poised to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military. That would take the US off the same list as Iran and North Korea, countries that also bar homosexuals from fighting for their country. “Is that where we as a country want to be? I think not,” says Aubrey Sarvis, executive director of the Service members Legal Defense Network, which is lobbying for a repeal to the "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) ban.
More than 25 countries specifically allow gays and lesbians to serve in the military, including all original NATO signatories except the US and Turkey.
Some 16 countries – including Pakistan, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen – bar open homosexuals from serving in the military. Across Africa, 37 countries declare homosexuality outright illegal – inside the military or out. Last week, two civilian men in Malawi were convicted and sentence to serve 14 years for homosexuality.
In the US, more than 13,000 American service members have been discharged under DADT, which was implemented in 1993.
The ban continues despite numerous studies over the past two decades that have shown no negative impact from allowing gays and lesbians to openly serve in the military.
According to a February report from the Palm Center at the University of California, Santa Barbara, allowing homosexuals to serve contributes to improving the command climate in foreign military's, decreasing harassment, retaining critical personnel, and enhancing respect for privacy.
US military leaders say they're aware of precedent in other countries. Adm. Mike Mullen, during a Congressional hearing on Feb. 2, 2010, said he had spoken to his counterparts in countries that lifted the bans and they told him there had been “no impact on military effectiveness” as a result, and that he was aware of no studies showing that ending DADT would harm unit cohesion.
US allies allow homosexuals to serve
Already, US service members serve alongside gays and lesbians. The Williams Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles, has estimated that some 66,000 gay and lesbian troops serve in the US forces today. And Britain, a key ally in Iraq and Afghanistan, has allowed homosexuals to openly serve in its military for a decade.
Canada and Australia lifted their bans in 1992, followed by Israel in 1993, and South Africa in 1998. The lift on bans did not result in a mass “coming out,” the Palm Center found, nor were there instances of increased harassment of or by gay people.
When Britain looked to repeal its ban, its military initially considered DADT. But they found it was a “disaster,” which “hadn’t worked,” was “unworkable” and was “hypocritical,” according to the Palm Center’s report, "Gays in Foreign Militaries 2010: A Global Primer."
Instead, the British military based its regulations on the Australian model, which simply ban public displays of affection, harassment and inappropriate relationships – regardless of whether the couple was gay or straight. In 2002, the British Ministry of Defense reconfirmed that “there has been no discernible impact on operational effectiveness” as a result of ending the gay ban and that “no further review of the Armed Forces policy on homosexuality” was necessary.
US concerns unfounded: studies
Concern that the repeal of DADT will reduce the number of volunteers is unfounded, according to Dr. Nathaniel Frank, primary author of the Palm Center Report. In Britain and Canada, roughly two-thirds of the military said it would refuse to serve with open gays, but in reality no more than three people in each country actually resigned, according to the report.
The US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences studied the situation in Canada in 1994. It concluded that “negative consequences predicted in the areas of recruitment, employment, attrition, retention, and cohesion and morale have not occurred” since Canada's policy was changed.
If the US does repeal DADT, then precedent from other countries says that a change in policy should be implemented firmly and swiftly. A 1993 Rand report said “fast and pervasive change will signal commitment to the [new] policy,” while “incremental changes would likely be viewed as experimental” and weaken compliance.
Concerns remain in US
But upcoming mid-term elections have Democrats and Republicans worried about losing votes, even though a new CNN poll shows that 78 percent of Americans support repeal of the policy. A recent Gallop Poll shows that views have shifted generally on homosexual relations in the past decade. The percentage of Americans calling these relations "morally wrong" dropped to 43 percent, down from 55 percent n 2002.
Retired Army Gen. Colin Powell, who once backed the ban, came out against it in February. "Attitudes and circumstances have changed," Powell told the Washington Post. "It's been a whole generation" since the legislation was adopted, and there is increased "acceptance of gays and lesbians in society," he said. "Society is always reflected in the military. It's where we get our soldiers from."
But Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona, the Senate Armed Services Committee’s top Republican, said he opposes efforts to change the policy now.
“This 'don’t ask, don’t tell' issue, they’re going to try to jam that through without even trying to figure out what the impact on battle effectiveness would be,” Senator McCain said this week on Arizona’s KBLU radio. In February, Mr. McCain said the DADT "has helped to balance a potentially disruptive tension between the desires of a minority and the broader Interests of our all volunteer force.”
Mr. Sarvis of the Service members Legal Defense Network, which has legally represented military personnel discharged under DADT, roundly rejects this.
“That suggestion is an insult to our service members. And in it is implied that they are not professionals,” he says, likening the current push to repeal DADT to President Harry Truman’s 1948 order to end discrimination in the military.
“The record is the record. Open service in the countries talked about does not have the dire consequences that Sen. McCain asserts.”
Montana Rep Denny Rehberg Moves Against "Brazen Land Grab"
News 13 Montana
by Steve Fetveit (3/9/10)
Congressman Denny Rehberg says he’s uncovered a plan by the Obama administration to carve out 13 million acres of western land for federal conservation projects. Rehberg points to a leaked document identifying possible land acquisitions from New Mexico to Alaska’s North Slope. The document is seven pages of an internal draft marked "not for release" that was handed over to members of the U.S. House of Representatives' Western Caucus.To review the leaked Internal Draft pages for yourself, click here: http://ow.ly/d/3IK
Two areas noted are located in eastern Montana, including “small number of large ranch holdings” along the upper Wild and Scenic Missouri River and “unplowed areas of grasslands” near the Montana-Canadian border. Rehberg says it amounts to millions of acres in Montana.
The congressman criticized the Obama administration on the U.S. House floor, calling the plan outlined in the draft document “a land grab so brazen it’s difficult to believe."
Rehberg said, "Some of that land belongs to private citizens who have no idea that the federal government is planning to kick them off their ranches. If the government can do this to them, what can it do to you?”
Rehberg says requests for a copy of the full text of the internal draft have gone unanswered. The Newschannel made similar requests which have also been unanswered.
Tuesday, Secretary of Interior, Ken Salazar was on capitol hill for a Senate committee hearing When he came face to face with Montana Senator Jon Tester. The senator Jon Salazar directly about the internal draft and if the Department of Interior had any intent to purchase land in Montana.
Salazar responded by saying he was “not aware of any plan.”
Rehberg says he's not buying Salazar's answer. He's introduced legislation that would block the use of the Antiquities Act to take lands in Montana without congressional oversight. It's a maneuver that's already in effect for the State of Wyoming.
Following Salazar’s Senate appearance, Rehberg renewed his call for congressional involvement in federal land dealings. “When it comes to executive action,” said Rehberg, “we’ve already seen this administration shoot first and ask questions later, and now that the sights are on millions of acres in Montana, the responsible action is to reassert congressional oversight, just like Wyoming has already done.”
While simultaneously the the President decides to VACATION with his family in Chicago http://ht.ly/1PPTE
Obama will use Memorial weekend for a trip home to Chicago
By Anne E. Kornblut
With the long Memorial Day weekend on the horizon, President Obama is finally addressing one of the great broken promises of his administration: his early pledge to return home to Chicago every six weeks or so.
In 16 months at the White House, the Obamas have been back home just once - in February of 2009. But they plan to make the trip over Memorial Day weekend, an official said. After arriving on Thursday night, they will visit with friends and participate in private events.
On Monday, Obama will make remarks at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, south of Chicago - missing the usual tradition of presidents speaking at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day.
Vice President Biden and his wife will appear in Obama's place, laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as holding a breakfast for Gold Star families -- families whose loved ones died in military service -- at the White House earlier that day.
The data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Tax Foundation, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, whose labor numbers are charted in this paper from the CATO Institute. The numbers for unionization run from 2006 through 2009, and the numbers for debt are 2007, before the current crisis. If anything, this presents a rosier picture for most states than the current one.
A rigorous study would control for dozens of factors, but this chart demonstrates the correlation between state unionism and debt.
As you can see in the graph, the states coalesce into three main groups:
* Among states whose government workers are less than 40 percent unionized, median per capita state debt is $2,238.
* Among states with between 40 and 60 percent of their government workers in public sector unions, the average debt is $3,609.
* Among states with more than 60 percent of the government workforce unionized, the average (median) per capita debt is $6,380.
As you keep an eye on the fiscal collapse of California, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's (R) efforts to rein in the unions' power next year, bear in mind that this is quickly becoming the biggest fiscal issue in America today.
Do public sector unions really protect workers from exploitation, or do they merely bankrupt the treasuries of states nationwide? And more immediately, will the states that made poor fiscal choices get a second bailout from the federal taxpayer after the 2009 stimulus package?
article http://ht.ly/1MR7c
Special Shout Out to Twitter's @bconsdr8 for sharing this with me!
Read the article!