See the News as it's happening in Washington DC http://ow.ly/p6Fa http://ow.ly/p6J5 http://ow.ly/p6NG http://ow.ly/p6OE http://ow.ly/p7GN
Thousands of taxpayers have filled the National Mall after marching down Pennsylvania Avenue carrying hand-made signs that read:
* 2010: Vote all incumbents out!
* Our Constitution has termites!
* We are under attack by our own government
* Stop the march of socialism
* You can put lipstick on communism, but it's still communism
* My family, my doctor
* Obamacare makes me sick
* Go green: Recycle Congress
* I'm not your ATM
* We had a dream. We got a nightmare
* Is this Russia?
* You Lie!
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