One word sums up this administration: AVARICE An excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain
Obama Fails To Fill 40% of Top Department of Defense Appointments http://ow.ly/JyGL
BRAZIL is handed $2 BILLION of OUR taxes http://ow.ly/JytI
U.S. can’t Afford Obama, is this a BARGIN? 17 getmo detainees transferred COST: $200 Million http://ow.ly/li0k
An insatiable desire for power. Obama gives FIRST NATIONAL OCEAN POLICY http://ow.ly/li1m & Internet access tax? http://ow.ly/lghC
Big Jumps in Taxes Loom in 10 States http://ow.ly/li2j & The Coming Obama Tax Explosion http://ow.ly/fR7D
These are the people Obama gleans knowledge from (is she the next Obama Czar?) http://ow.ly/kZgr
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